A Ham's Night Before Christmas

...Need a little more Christmas cheer in the hamshack ? Revisit this ham radio Christmas classic, A Ham's Night Before Christmas.
I wrote this poem, adapted from the famous poem A Visit from St. Nicholas (but more commonly called T'was The Night Before Christmas) by Clement Clarke Moore, way back in 1996, so the poem almost now qualifies for QCWA . Later I recorded it as audio, added music, and finally produced a video.... and then a High Def video. You can find the whole story here.
The poem text, audio (no music) and audio with music are all freely available for you to read or play on the air (choose the 'no music' version to play on the air, but note that it runs a little over 3 minutes, so watch your repeater timer!). You don't need to ask for further permission. You can embed the YouTube video version on your web site.
Happy Holidays from Cyndi KD4ACW and me, Gary KN4AQ



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